Announcements and Important Events
Posted 11.0 years ago @ 11:20AM
JMHS Sportsmanship Creed
Sportsmanship Regulations
Each participant in an extracurricular activity; coaches, students, and spectators, should display the highest level of sportsmanship at all times. Consequences for acts of poor sportsmanship are as follows:
PARTICIPANTS: Each participant’s behavior reflects on the school’s reputation and each participant who does not display good sportsmanship must accept the responsibility and consequences for poor behavior. Any participant ejected from a contest for poor sportsmanship will be ineligible for the next two (2) contests. A second ejection will cause the player to be ineligible for the next four (4) contests and may result in dismissal from the team. Penalties for any ejection in the last game will carry over to the next season.
Participants who are not ejected but receive unsportsmanlike conduct penalties may, as determined by the Principal and Athletic director, be penalized for that behavior. Also any acts committed while attending school, participating in a practice or contest, or away from school that damage the reputation of the school may result in penalties or sanctions.
COACHES: Coaches should educate participants in all aspects of good sportsmanship and model the highest levels of good behavior at all times. The failure of a coach to do so may result in a game suspension, and/or practice suspension. Repeated offenses could result in the removal from the coaching assignment. Also any acts committed while attending school, participating in a practice or contest, or away from t school that damage the reputation of the school may result in penalties or sanctions.
SPECTATORS: Spectators will be expected to display good sportsmanship at every event. Unsportsmanlike behavior may result in removal from the event and/or exclusion from all extracurricular events.
Assessment of behaviors will be made by the Principal and Athletic Director of the school, and consequences will be applied immediately. Appeals may be made to the Superintendent of Superintendent designee.